Have you met T.M. Smith? She's a friend of mine who writes M/M Erotica. She's a mom of three, and I don't know how she's managed it, but I think this is her ninth novel in three years. Check it out! Want to get to know her? Check out the interview! Did I mention she's doing a giveaway?
Dare to Hope
an All Cocks Story book 4
Release Blitz
Tristan is the second oldest of the Brennan brothers and the odd man out. Most of the Brennan men have careers in law enforcement, but as a psychiatrist, Tristan chooses to help people in a different way. Quiet and restrained, he is content to hover in the background of his more gregarious brothers. Then he meets two men, each broken and damaged from losses beyond their control.
Gabriel Simenson is mourning his lover’s death. The random act of violence that took Gio’s life has left everyone at All Cocks reeling. The only thing keeping Gabe from drowning in misery is the friendship he’s forged with Micah, the newest model at All Cocks. He continues to struggle, and at the urging of his All Cocks family Gabe agrees to counseling with Tristan under one condition: Micah t go with him.
Micah Solo can relate to unbearable loss, having lost his leg and so much more in Iraq. The past two years he has been alone, adrift and vulnerable — the memories of war haunting his dreams, spilling over into his daily life. At All Cocks, Micah has found the acceptance he craves and the family he lost, but still he yearns for happiness and peace within.
The friendship between the three is instant, the mutual attraction evident. They circle each other, wanting more, yet unsure if it is truly possible. Is life the mundane reality they’ve each come to accept for themselves or do they dare to hope?
The All Cocks Stories is a series set within the world of online gay porn.
*Warning* Micah’s PTSD is told in detail, including flashbacks to his time in Iraq.
Grab your copy now!
Buy links: Amazon | ARe | Smashwords
Buy links: Amazon | ARe | Smashwords
Read the other books in the All Cocks Series...
Gay for Pay - Book 1
Fame and Fortune - Book 2
How to Deal - Book 3
All Cocks Series Box Set

TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now
calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or
ticking away on her next novel.
Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is
passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people,
Love is Love!
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is
passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people,
Love is Love!
Q&A with
Author TM Smith
Where are you from, and where do you call home?
I was born and
raised in Georgia until I was 24. I was born military and married military so
when my ex got out of the Army, we moved to Texas and I’ve been here ever
What inspired you to start writing?
I love to read,
and the more I read fiction and fantasy, I started coming up with different
outlandish stories in my head. One day I decided to sit down and try to turn it
into something. The rest, as they say, is history.
How long have you been writing?
I started
writing Opposites in 2010. So, 6 years now.
What advice would you give a new writer just starting
Be very sure
that this is what you want to do, because for every fan you find, there will be
a hater lingering in the background. Overall, the LGBT writing community is an
amazing group of people. There has to be a few bad apples though, and the
negativity occasionally hits you where it hurts. You just have to let it roll
off and keep going. There is one rule to live by if you want to be an Author,
never engage the crazy. Comment and leave praise for those positive reviews all
day long. But do not, I repeat, do not comment on a negative review, ever! It
never ends well.
Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do
you do about it?
Oh hell yes,
don’t we all? Sometimes I have to make myself write, I might trash 90% of it in
the end, but that 10% I get to keep is pretty fucking amazing. Other times I
have to walk away and recharge. I have hit a wall a couple of times trying to
take the story in a direction it didn’t want to go, or trying to force a
character into a story. I’ve learned that if the character stops speaking to
you, you’ve probably pissed them off, so figure out why and fix it. And if you
can’t, either scrap them all together or kill them off and make it intense.
What Author’s in the genre do you read?
That list would
take all day to complete. Some of my very favorites though, I’m talking auto
buy just because of who wrote it, or books I have re-read multiple times…
Sandrine Gasq-Dion, Andrew Grey, Mary Calmes, Morticia Knight, AE Via, Cardeno
C and Amy Lane… just to name a few.
What comes first, the plot or characters?
That is a trick
question, both. Sometimes someone just starts talking and I start writing and I
mold his or her part of the story around them. Then there are times I come up
with an amazing storyline in my head and I have to work the characters into it.
Are you working on anything at the present you would
like to tell us about?
I am actually,
lots of goodies for 2016! Gay for Pay is out now in audio, but I’m also having
it translated in French through Juno Publishing. My editor is pouring over the
Opposites series books as I type, helping me clean them up and I’m going to
re-release that series. Opposites was the first book I wrote and I did it
without an editor, don’t do that people. I think that cleaning them up is going
to give the series new life and that makes me happy, I love the dichotomy of
that series so much.
Describe the perfect writing space.
Sitting at my
desk with my headphones in and a Mimosa next to me. I think I might like
sitting on the beach with my laptop and a drink with an umbrella in it as well
Do you do research for your books? If so, what does
that entail?
I do actually.
I like to have an element of reality in my stories. For the Opposites series I
had to research high points of elevation, water lines, fault lines, different
cultures and economies. For the All Cocks stories I have had to endure hours
upon hours of sexy, sweaty, hot man sex. I know, it’s a dirty job, but someone
has to do it. Then there are aspects to some of my stories that aren’t as much
fun to research, but I’m afraid if I don’t, someone that has lived through it
would be offended at my ignorance.
How many books have you written? Which is your
5 novels and 2
novellas. You might as well ask me to pick my favorite child, that is a no win
Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?
I do actually,
I love to stay in touch with my readers. 99.9% of my emails from fans or
messages on facebook is hearing what they liked or didn’t like about the books,
asking when the next book is out, things like that. I remember about a week
after Fame and Fortune released, I got an email from someone that was a
survivor of sexual assault and she was telling me how impressed she was with
the reality of the situation that I got right while not going too far or
downplaying what happened in the book. She said while it was hard for her to
read, it was very well written and conveyed. Brought a tear to my eye it did.