Thursday, September 12, 2024

My Book Event


I haven't blogged in such a long time! I find that if I have nothing new to say, there is no point. It's been SO long since I've blogged, I can't find my photos! 

But I have an author event coming up, and I'm so excited! I can give you more information. 

It's at Bailey's Books in St. Albert, Alberta. It's on October 19th, between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM Mountain time.  The address is: 29-B Rowland Crescent, St. Albert in Alberta, Canada. 

I'm sure what to do...Sort of.  I know I will have a door prize and will be reading an excerpt or two for something I've written. Something I've never published before, on social media or anywhere else. I'm borrowing an idea I saw on another author's page ( Sorry...that author borrowed the idea from someone else so I don't know who to credit it to.) and will request guests to sign my own copy so I can have a keepsake. I'm open to suggestions, actually. What else could I do? 

Thankfully, my bestie will be there, and Lisa herself. Did I mention her Dad is cool? If we're lucky, Parsley the chihuahua will be there as well. I believe it will be held in that lovely, cozy loft they have with the sweet antique desk. 

Anyway, you should all come just to check the place out. It's everything you want in a bookstore, beautiful to behold and packed with literary gems. 

I keep saying this is my first author event, but I think I mentally blocked out the first one. Technically, it was a Book Club. 

I know a lovely woman named Lynda, who has always been hugely supportive of me as a person and as a writer. She arranged for her Book Club to read my book and I was supposed to visit them and talk about it. She also arranged for me to go to my old school and talk to kids about writing. 

I left Edmonton that morning for Fox Creek, and it had just begun to snow. I had a BAD feeling about it, and told my husband I didn't really want to go. I should have cancelled, but Lynda had done so much for me, I didn't want to let her, or anyone else, down. 

As you may have guessed, I had an accident right outside of Mayerthorpe. I pulled off a bit to the shoulder to let a Sierra pick up truck pass, ( He looked pretty damned big and I was afraid there wasn't enough room for him to pass.) and I hit icy slush. Wrecked my car, but no injuries. I actually had a voice in my head that told me to stay present because the situation might be useful for writing later. I did actually use parts of it in 'Chasing Monsters'. Mostly the impacting crunchy parts. 

Lynda's husband came to get me, so obviously I was late for the Book Club. About an hour late. 

The Book Club had waited for an hour and they were NOT happy to see me. The book they'd read was 'Thoeba' my first novel, and I don't think they liked it much. They all looked irritated as Hell and didn't engage much. 

I met a Mennonite woman there named Rachel. I had to tell her the concept of Thoeba was a dream I had and I was not L. Ron Hubbard. I had no intention of starting a religious movement of any kind. 

The next day, I went to my old school. Lynda had done her best, but the principal hadn't told anyone I was coming. No kids to speak to. A couple of old friends showed up and bought books. The librarian offered to pay for a copy, but I told her it was a donation. I loved that library muchly, and had spent hours there for extra credit and just hanging out. 

It wasn't a terrible experience, but now I have a fear of highway driving I haven't been able to shake off. 

I just bought a Santa Fe and it's funny how having confidence in your vehicle changes how you drive. Maybe soon I'll try highways again. I'll be driving it to Bailey's Books and I can't wait. I hope to see some of you there. 



  1. Can't wait for your book event at Bailey's Books!

    1. Oooh, thank you Anonymous! Can't wait to see YOU!
