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Behold! The Incredible Mimsey! |
Authors, by their very nature are cool. We have to be, because despite the fact that our work is fiction, there is still an essence of ourselves in play. Much of our personality creeps into the words.
So when one comes across a novel that captures the imagination and lifts the heart with constant snickers, one knows she would TOTALLY bond with that writer.
I read "Cult of Koo Kway" by Jay Mims and it completely validated my theory. I don't think I've read a book where I grinned through the entire thing. I just connected with it. It was a peek inside Mimsey's warped mind and I instantly wanted to hang out and read comics with him while wolfing down Pixie Sticks. Maybe in a treehouse. I think we would have been infamous ten year olds had we known each other back then.

And his new one, "The Gray Ghost Inn" JUST came out! Actually, he let me read it and I loved it. In fact, I'm going to buy it so I can read it again. I'm proud of him, and I can't wait for you to meet him because he's a lot of fun. You'll see. Read on...
1) When
did you know you wanted to be a writer?
know, when I was in first grade, my teacher, Mrs. Rita, would start to scold me
for reading in class and then realized I was just bored. Even then it was hard
to stay mad at the Mims. It was while being a book nerd (not to be confused
that I realized I wanted to write something, anything. Besides my parents, I
don’t think I could have found a bigger supporter then in Mrs. Rita. Which is
why The Five Santas has on its
dedication page “This book is dedicated to Mrs. Rita Sanders who in elementary
school made me promise that I would dedicate my first book to her. Thank you
Mrs. Rita.”
2) Knowing
your love of comics, Doctor Who and all things cartooned and cool, why aren’t
you writing for Marvel? I mean, why mystery novels exactly?
dear sweet Lord would I love to write for Marvel! Or DC. Who am I kidding? If Archie Comics called up
and said “Hey pal! How’d you like to write Josie
and the Pussycats” my head would explode. What’s really crazy is, there’s a
comic book reference in Cult of Koo Kway
that will come up again in book 4, Racing
the Storm, that I still don’t think anyone has caught. I’m kind of hoping
it is one of those magical gems that years from now someone will catch and go
write mystery novels because I was always a fan of TV, and when I grew up shows
like Magnum, P.I., Murder, She Wrote, Moonlighting, and
Remington Steele were incredibly popular and very influential on the Mimsey
brain. Seriously, if “Snowed in at a bed and breakfast with a murderer” wasn’t
a Jessica Fletcher plot, then I need to hop in the TARDIS and rectify the
situation immediately. And if it was, I’ll give a signed copy The Gray Ghost Inn to the first
commenter to name the episode. (Yeah, you heard him! any guesses?--DM)
3) Who
or what inspired Dan Landis?
a great question. I actually have an MFA in moviemaking, so I was required to
do a portfolio film. The first serious project I ever did was a weird series of
shorts about a girl and her imaginary friend. So, when it came time to do a
portfolio, I just shamelessly ripped myself off. I re-named the character from
Captain Marcus Habbakuk (I was young and quirky) to Dan Landis, and changed the
girl from college student to successful author. Dan was her adventuring
who saw the film really loved the book titles (in some cases a lot more than
they liked the film…this may be why I’m now writing books instead of making
movies) and when I graduated I decided to throw caution to the wind and
actually write a Dan Landis novel. I built the character of Dan from a number
of wonderful people in my life, including assorted friends, family and my
personal heroes. I also shamelessly stole (i.e. HOMAGED) TV detectives like
Remington Steele, Thomas Magnum and David Addison. What I always tell writers,
because I am always glad to give unsolicited advice, is to find strong
characters and the story will grow from there.
I really have to tell this story: About a month or so ago I was contacted by
real-life private investigator Dan Landis, who lives in Idaho. Like, how does
that happen? I’m pretty sure J.K. Rowling doesn’t get calls from a wizard named
Harry Potter, Janet Evanovich doesn’t go out for drinks with bounty hunter
Stephanie Plum, and Stephenie Meyer’s never gotten letters from a cardboard
cut-out named Bella Swan. Only Mimsey, folks. Only Mimsey.
4) I’ve
always loved your sense of humor and quick wit. Where did that come from? Why
are you so weird?
a good question. I think the quick wit and wry sense of humor probably comes
from years of honing and experience. The weirdness comes from my parents, who
are both lovable and quirky as the day is long. However, I always hate to tell
people, but I’m really far funnier when I’ve had time to come up with a joke
then when I have to think of something on the fly. It’s one of the joys of
being a writer.
5) In
your bio, you mention cats with clever names like Eartha Kitty and Meowthezar
and a lizard named Bob. Can you tell us about them?
I sort of inadvertently adopted a couple of cats. The first, Eartha Kitty, I
tell more about here.
It was the neighbor’s cat that I started feeding, thinking it was a stray.
Oddly enough, Meowthezar was a stray kitten I found, who I ended up giving to
my neighbor’s. Bob the Lizard is this giant lizard that I found in my house one
time, and while I relocated him to the woods, I still like to imagine he’s
having wacky adventures. Basically it gives people the impression I am a friend
to all animals, instead of the weirdo who has his Christmas tree up year
6) What
is next for you and Dan Landis, if you don’t mind telling us?
mind a bit! Dan and company will continue their adventures from The Gray Ghost Inn with book 4, the
final book in the Oncoming Storm quartet. Which I realize sounds a bit more
like a weather-themed music group then a book series. This book, Racing the Storm, will be out 2014 and
will address the big mystery that’s been hanging over Dan’s life since The Five Santas. Namely: What’s his
sister, Julianne, up to and why does she need a gunslinger cowboy named Tex?
7) If
Dan Landis had his own theme song, what would it be?
I ever get some money together, I want to do a live action teaser for the books
that’s all the characters holding various impliments of murder, set to the
chorus of Alex Clare’s Too Close
you asked Dan himself, he’d probably say Cage The Elephant’s Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked
I think we all know, when Dan’s rolling out in his best duds the song in his
head is Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now
Getting to know Jay

Favorite book of all
Kill A Mockingbird. That book has shaped more of my life
philosophy then I’d care to admit. Closely tied to that is Lord of the Rings (trilogy) by J.R.R. Tolkien and THUD! by Terry Pratchett.
Favorite snack or drink
while writing?
I’m chronically
addicted to Dr. Pepper, but I often find I’m better drinking water while
writing. Writing with a sugar buzz is fun, writing when you’ve crashed is less
fun. I usually am chewing on something, so either fruit or crackers. I’m just
ADD enough to always be needing to do something.
Favorite character
you’ve written?
Hah, you know that’s a
tough choice. I think Dan’s the most personal for me, just because there’s so
much of myself in him, but also because he’s so wonderfully complex and simple
at the same time. I’ll tell you right now, don’t write super-smart characters
who are experts in something you’re not an expert in. I’ve got a super-cop, an
ace attorney, a doctoral student in Art History, an M.D. and an Anthropologist.
Google is my friend. Trust me, it’s a lot easier to make a Doctor Who joke then to have an in-depth discussion of Dadaism.
Cartoon/Comicbook/Muppet character?
The Animated Series/Pretty much anything with the X-Men
(Beast and Gambit are my faves, if you’re wondering)/And the older I get, the
more I realize I am in fact Fozzie Bear. Still, Gonzo is my favorite weirdo

Favorite Doctor Who
Donna Noble, full-stop.
Which is weird, because I based the character of Bernie on Martha Jones (as
discussed here).
I do love Rose, she was my first companion, and I have a framed photo of David
Teninch and Sarah Jane on my wall. Amy was wonderful, and Rory is the most
unflappable character in the history of ever. I’m also excited to see what they
do with Clara, because she’s absolutely brilliant. But, Donna will always be my
Favorite all time
Long-time readers will
know I love
talking about villains.
I’d say my favorite villain of all time is probably a tie. AN EVIL TIE! They
both are Disney villains, with Hades just being incredibly enjoyable in both
the TV show and film. But the all-time best villain has to be Maleficient. You
want to talk about evil? This lady curses a baby (a newborn mind you) because
she didn’t get an invite to the party, keeps a castle full of monsters purely for
kicks and giggles, and then captures Prince Charming so that he can only wake
up Sleeping Beauty when he’s too old and busted to do anything. That, my
friends, is serious evil. Also, she turns into a dragon, but I’m kind of more
intimidated by her as a woman then as a dragon. At least a dragon will only
burn you, that lady is going to tear you down first. Then probably burn you.
Jay Mims
can do a dead on impersonation of Shaggy from “Scooby-Doo”, and has seen every
episode of “Small Wonder”. He lives with a
passive-aggressive Dalek named Steve, a lizard named Bob, feeds a cat he calls
Eartha Kitty and recently rescued a kitten named Meowleficient. He writes books and is far funnier on Facebook then in real life. He is terrible at Twitter. His latest book "The Gray Ghost Inn" is available now. Feel free to email him here.
THANKS FOR A GREAT INTERVIEW MIMSEY!! You are the absolute best!
THANKS FOR A GREAT INTERVIEW MIMSEY!! You are the absolute best!
Well done Donna and Jay. You seem to have captured the essence of him with your usual sense of fun Look forward to your blog each week
ReplyDeleteThanks Kevin <3 I just asked a few questions. Jay really is that cool. I should point out that all the stuff in blue font leads to a link. I loved that part.
ReplyDeleteChecked them after I finished I guess I have to much free time!
DeleteIt's all part of the experience.
DeleteMimsey meet Kevin. Kevin, meet Jay Mims. Kevin is my first official fan and he's become a great friend. Mims is a fellow Staccato author, a brilliant writer and also great friend. :) ((hugs)) to both of you.
DeleteDONNA MILWARD! I absolutely adore you, and am eternally grateful for this, an absolutely amazing interview! You are the greatest! And folks, for those that want to see the time I interviewed the one and only DONNA MILWARD!, check it here, since I totally blanked on including it! http://themimsey.blogspot.com/2013/09/a-mimsical-interview-with-donna-milward.html
ReplyDeleteThe feeling is mutual Mims! It was my pleasure. Thank you so much, my friend <3 You were a blast as always. I really like our interviews. They both went well, didn't they?